Bo dean gay porno star

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One fan described him as 'the Ryan Gosling of porn'. In February 2012, ABC Nightline aired the feature Porn's Boy Next Door, which included interviews with Deen and his fans. Deen has a fan following among teenage girls, a demographic typically not associated with the pornographic industry.

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In 2009, he was named the 'Male Performer of the Year' by AVN at the age of 22, making him the youngest actor to have won this award. Career Īfter entering the pornography industry in 2004, he initially worked with older female performers. He worked at a Starbucks for two years and took classes at Pasadena City College. He graduated from La Cañada High School in 2004. Around age 15, he left high school and spent two years more or less homeless. Īccording to Deen, performing in pornographic films was his ambition since he was in kindergarten.

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His father is a mechanical engineer and his mother is a computer electronic engineer, and one of them worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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