For those who have not seen FTM porn films but are curious, you can go to PORN.COM to check them out. It gives them a peek into the private lives of trans males. Porn fans are curious as to how they fuck, this is why FTM porn films are very popular. They were people who were assigned female at birth but later on identified themselves as males and lived their lives as men. It could be socially, wherein they are accepted by society. In FTM, the transition may be through surgery or taking drugs, which is physical. To the less naughty people or the mainstream, FTM may also mean 'first-time mom', but that is not worth your time, and not what you are here for of course. It is the opposite of male to female, or MTF.
It refers to a tranny who is transitioning to become a man, at least for that sex act. For those of you here who might have been living under a rock, or have just recently discovered the joys of sex and the world of porn, FTM means 'female to male'.